SQLBits 2024

Understanding Zero Trust security

In this session we will look at what Zero Trust principles are. Zero Trust is the modern way to apply security. It assumes a breach, verifies every user, and enforces least privilege, giving users access only to the private applications and resources they need. It no longer secures the perimeter (the network boundaries) which doesn't scale in the modern world. We will see how it applies to your Microsoft services like Microsoft Fabric too.
The world is evolving at a rapid pace. Your users are all over the world, looking at your data from the airport Wifi and being threatened by bad actors trying to get at your data. At the same time, we are moving more and more of our services and data to the cloud with easy-to-use SaaS services like Microsoft Fabric instead of securing networks or VM's.

In the last couple of years, the industry is moving from this traditional network security approach that uses legacy VPNs or perimeter security that simply cannot scale to modern demands. Once your remote users connect to your corporate network through VPN, they are granted excessive access to your entire network, all it takes is a single compromised user account, infected device, or open port for an attacker to gain entry, move laterally, and access your most critical assets.

Instead, the industry is pushing for Zero Trust principles. It assumes a breach, verifies every user, and enforces least privilege, giving users access only to the private applications and resources they need.

In this introduction session we will look at what Zero Trust is and how to apply it to your Microsoft services like Microsoft Fabric.