SQLBits 2024

Level-Up Power BI Dashboard Storytelling with DataViz Tools

We will follow the dashboard creation journey, and we will have a deep dive into four pillars. Context, Visual Display, User Oriented, and Storytelling. Contest information and clear guidelines on how to achieve an insightful report will be the strive of the session. To assist in that direction, practical examples and useful tools will be suggested.
In the era of Big Data, the ability to visualize and communicate data effectively is not just desirable, it's essential. This enlightening session seeks to equip you with the advanced skills required to transform raw data into compelling, insightful, interactive dashboards.

We will have an overview of best practices in Power BI with a focus on frontend. UI/UX fundamental guidelines to follow for enhancing a good storytelling baseline and an aesthetically pleasant result. Practical suggestions on how to work and with which tools. Conclude, with what to avoid in order to optimize the final results.

Whether you're a beginner wanting to enhance your data visualization skills, or an advanced user looking for tips to maximize your Power BI usage, this session promises to elevate your abilities, providing you with the tools and techniques you need to breathe life into your data.

Join us for this enlightening session and transform the way you visualize, present, and make sense of complex data sets. Leverage the power of Power BI and DataViz tools to create compelling narratives that influence decisions and drive change.