SQLBits 2024

Winging It: My Neurodivergent Non-Technical Journey into Data

Are you neurodivergent and wanting to make your work more manageable, or work alongside someone who is? In this session, I'll explore my neurodivergent brain hacks, and how my employer supports me. You'll leave with a better understanding of how neurodivergence affects the way we work, and tools to work better or support neurodivergent colleagues.
Are you neurodivergent and wanting to make your work more manageable?

I studied Film and English Literature at university - so how did I land in data? Honestly: Covid.
I then didn't intend to work in data (or marketing) for a substantial amount of time. I couldn't see myself working a 9-5 office job, and knew nothing about the world of data when I joined. So why have I decided to stick around? Because not only have I developed a passion for tech, but it works with my neurodivergent brain - particularly as a non-technical person.

I didn't know I was neurodivergent until I started full-time work; when I realised why I worked so well with deadlines, flexibility, and novelty, everything fell into place. So, I developed ways to hack my unmedicated brain to be able to function in a 9-5, without realising that I could ask for accommodations.

This session will look at what those hacks are, alongside the accommodations my workplace has offered to take the load off me. If you are neurodivergent, or work alongside a neurodivergent person, this session aims to bring awareness to how our brains work.