SQLBits 2024

Stabilizing Performance with Query Store

This session will demonstrate how to use plan forcing (manual and automatic) and Query Store Hints to stabilize query performance without changing code.
As a developer or data professional you often get pulled in to troubleshoot a drop in performance, and it can be stressful. Once you determine the problem, people want you to fix it... immediately. But what if you can't change the code right away? Or even if you can, you have to go through a change control process which can take hours or days, and you don't know when performance will tank again.

Did you know there are built-in features that can not only help you find problematic queries, but can also help you manage query performance *without* changing the schema or the code? Whether you have SQL Server on-premises or in a Managed Instance, in the cloud on a VM, or you use Azure SQL Database, this session will step through new functionality, including Query Store Hints, which leverages Query Store to help you stabilize query performance immediately.